Friday, November 21, 2014

11.21 - Why Should Someone Read Your Poem

At the beginning of class today, we spent some time talking about the school competition for Poetry Out Loud (see Mr. Collins if you are interested in competing in the school competition).

Next, I handed out a prompt asking people to look at their poem and explain why it is one that people should read (see prompt handout below). As part of this, we talked about how a text can be either a window or a mirror. If a text is window, it lets you see another place, time, or another person's perspective. If a text is a mirror, it encourages you to reflect on your life and experiences and to think about them differently or more deeply. Looking at how the poem functions as a window or a mirror can help to explain why someone should read it.

Everyone had the rest of the period to work on this response. If people needed more time on this, they could finish it for homework and hand it in on Monday.

Why Should Someone Read Your Poem (POL Prompt)


If you did not finish your response to the "Why Should Someone Read Your Poem" prompt, do so for homework.

If you plan to revise your recitation for Poetry Out Loud, prepare for that recitation next Tuesday (11/25).

We reschedule dthe roots quiz to Tuesday 11/25 so prepare for the set seven quiz then.

Don't forget to recite your poem for a parent/guardian and introduce it with the following script:

Click to Enlarge

Dystopian Writing Assignment (due by Friday, Nov. 21)
Set 2 Double Entry Leading Logs for Anthem (assignments 6-8) (due Wednesday, Nov. 26)
Socratic Seminar Discussion Question for Anthem (pg. 2 only) (due Wednesday, Nov. 26)
Poetry Out Loud Poem Analysis (due Wednesday, Nov. 26)

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