Monday, November 3, 2014

11.03 - Housekeeping and Annotations

We started today's class with the following writing prompt (which people wrote on paper that could be handed in):

What are some topics or questions you would like to discuss related to Anthem.

Next, we went over some general housekeeping items as we bring the first quarter to a close and begin the second quarter. These topics included properly stapling assignments, writing neatly, using the language we have learned to discuss material, and submitting work on time. For this last point, we are going to begin using "not prepared for class" slips to look at obstacles that prevent assignments from being turned in on time or people from having the materials they need for class (see below)

Click Image to Enlarge

I then returned chapter one annotations for Anthem along with feedback slips and we reviewed overall class performance on this activity (see below).

Click Image to Enlarge
Finally, we returned to our small group activity looking at tone in the initial chapters of Anthem and spent some time discussing how figurative language is used to develop tone and meaning in these chapters.


Work on revisions for Anthem chapter one annotations (due Friday, Nov. 14).
Anthem - Chapter 1 Annotations

If you did not hand in your double entry journals for chapters 8 - 12 in Anthem today, those were due today and need to be handed in as soon as possible.
Anthem double entry journals

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