Thursday, November 6, 2014

11.06 - Poem Hunting and Socratic Seminar Intro

Everyone had the first twenty minutes of class today to read through poems on the Poetry Out Loud website. At the end of these twenty minutes, those people who had selected the poem that they would like to recite signed up for that poem with me via Google forms (see link below).

Next, I introduced students to the Socratic seminar a discussion format we will be using to wrap up our work with Anthem. To become more familiar with the Socratic seminar process, we are going to take a look at an article which looks at the internet through the eyes of federal prison inmates who were incarcerated in the late 80s and early 90s (just before the internet became big).


Socratic Seminar explanation
      (pre-reading step 3 does not apply to our work at this time)
Article: The Internet Explained by Prisoners Who Have Never Seen It


Complete the pre-reading work for our Socratic seminar on the article: The Internet Explained by Prisoners Who Have Never Seen It

Complete the following revisions for Fri, Nov 14:
Anthem chapter one annotations 
     Anthem - Chapter 1 Annotations
Anthem set one double entry journals

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