Monday, November 10, 2014

11.10 - Set 6 Roots and Prefixes / Anthem Socratic Seminar Prep

At the beginning of class today, everyone had a chance to practice reciting their poem with a partner (switching to reading the poem once they had recited as far as they could).

Next, I handed out the word list and practice sheet for the set 6 roots and prefixes and everyone had a chance to work on the word list portion of this sheet (we'll look at the practice section on Wednesday). Everyone had 20 minutes to work on this assignment and then I returned the dystopian fiction assignments that people had completed and reviewed overall class progress on these. The graph for grades and feedback were as follows:

Click Image to Enlarge

Finally, we revisited the process for Socratic seminars and I handed out preparation sheets to get us ready for our Socratic seminar on Wednesday.


Set 6 Roots and Prefixes - Word List
Socratic Seminar Prep Sheet


Complete the pre-reading work for our Socratic seminar on Anthem (see handouts).

Memorize your Poetry Out Loud poem (recitations are on Thursday, 11/20 and Friday, 11/21).

Prepare for the set 6 roots and prefixes quiz this Friday (11/14).

Dystopian Writing Assignment (due by Friday, Nov. 21)
Anthem - Chapter 1 Annotations (due by Friday, Nov. 14)
Anthem double entry journnals - Set 1 (due by Friday, Nov. 14)

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