Monday, December 22, 2014

12.22 - Revisions

We started class today with everyone producing some writing in their writer's journal based on the picture below. In this writing, everyone was to use simple, compound, and complex sentences. Next, a partner identified these various sentence types and we shared out some of the sentences as examples.

Click Image to Enlarge
I then returned grade report sheets along with assignments that were submitted last week. As a class we reviewed performance for the simple and compound sentence quiz as well as the quiz over The Road. Everyone had time to work on their revisions for the quiz on The Road. Upon finishing this, people were able to work on their paragraph where they revisit motifs through to the end of the book.

At the end of class, we discussed some of the ways that McCarthy establishes and develops tone in The Road. We will use this to help look at how tone is established in the film adaptation of The Road tomorrow.

There will be a revision opportunity for the simple and compound sentences quiz tomorrow as well as a quiz on the end of The Road.

Motifs in The Road


Prepare for the quiz on The Road tomorrow.

If you are revising your quiz on simple and compound sentences, prepare for that tomorrow.

Complete your second motif paragraph for The Road.

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