Monday, December 8, 2014

12.08 - Revisions and Simple Sentences

We started today's class by looking at some SAT style questions for The Road. People worked with a partner to respond to these questions and then we discussed the responses together as a class.

Following this, we reviewed the work with simple sentences that we did in class on Friday looking at different uses of subjects and verbs in sentences.

Next, I handed out grade report sheets while several people helped to return work. We then reviewed overall course performance on assignments for The Road (motif paragraphs and Socratic seminar prep sheets). The feedback on these assignments was as follows:

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge
Everyone then had the remaining time in the period to work on revising these assignments and work on the set 9 roots and prefixes.



Study set 9 roots and prefixes in preparation for the quiz on Friday (Dec, 12)

Read to page 175 in The Road for Wednesday.

Click to Enlarge

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