Tuesday, December 2, 2014

12.02 - Revisions / Socratic Seminar Preparation for The Road

I handed out grade report sheets and people helped to return assignments at the beginning of class. We went over general class performance on responses to the "Why Someone Should Read my Poem" prompt and the Socratic seminar preparation for the discussion of the This American Life podcast we listened to. Then everyone had the first part of class to work on revisions or read to page 33 in The Road. During this time, I met individually with people to look at their grades and discuss assignments.

In the second half of class, I handed out a Socratic seminar prep sheet for the beginning of The Road. This prep sheet features an instructor question along with a student generated question. We discussed how to respond to the instructor question and then everyone had the rest of the period to read to page 33 in The Road and to work on this assignment. I continued to meet with people to check in on grades, assignments, and the Socratic seminar preparation.



Complete the prep sheet for tomorrow's Socratic seminar on The Road.


Socratic Seminar Prep Sheet for Episode 538: "Is This Working" of This American Life (due Fri, 12/12)

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