Wednesday, October 22, 2014

10.22 - Life Philosophies and Objectivism

We started today's class with the following writing prompt:

Which life philosophy best articulates your view on life? Why?

What would it look like if we were able to realize a society based on this perspective?

(Remember that most utopian visions of society have people that get along and are happy. Why people get along and why they are happy though depends on what it is that is working well in the society).

After everyone had a chance to respond to this prompt, we went through the life philosophies and had people that selected that philosophy talk about what their ideal/utopian world would look like.

Next, we looked at Ayn Rand's description of what her ideal, Objectivist world would look like and discussed whether this would be an individual or collectivist society. In doing this we reviewed, the individualist/collectivist checklist that people received yesterday with their explanation of these philosophies.

For homework, everyone should begin reading chapter one of Anthem and annotating the text for the way in which figurative language and diction are used to affect tone.


Ten Philosophies
Individualism v. Collectivism

Anthem - Chapter 1 Annotations


Read and make annotations looking at how tone is affected by diction and figurative language for Anthem - Chapter 1.

Prepare for the set 5 roots and prefixes quiz on Friday.
Roots and Prefixes - Set 5 word list

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