Monday, October 6, 2014

10.06 - Neruda and American Companies

At the beginning of class today, everyone got together with a partner who had read the same poem as them (either "Standard Oil Co." or "United Fruit Co.") and shared their analysis of the poem. Next, people go together with the person who read the poem that they did not read. Working with this partner, partners read their poem to their partner and then their analysis. Partners then discussed the following writing prompt and responded to the question individually in their writer's journal:

What does Pablo Neruda think of American businesses?
Explain your response using examples from the poems.
What do you think of Neruda's perspective?

After everyone had a chance to respond to this prompt, we discussed students' responses. Then, everyone handed in their analysis of the Neruda poem (unless they felt they needed to revisit and revise their response based on our analysis in class).

Everyone then had the remaining time in the period to work on set 4 roots and prefixes (we will have a quiz for these roots and prefixes on Friday).


Roots and Prefixes set 4 - Word List
Roots and Prefixes set 4 - Practice


Complete the roots and prefixes sheets (see above) for Wednesday.

If you felt that your analysis of Neruda's poem needed revision before being submitted, complete these revisions tonight for homework.

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