Tuesday, October 7, 2014

10.07 - Basic Principles for a Great Class

We started today's class with everyone responding to the following prompt in their writer's journal:

What was the best class of which you have been a part?
(This can be any group learning experience from pre-K to present day and could involve anything from a hunter safety course to AP Bio).
What was it that made this class great?

Everyone then discussed their response with a partner and identified underlying principles that seemed to contribute to the positive experience of the course. In class, we talked about how rules are different from principles. A rule could be, no running in the halls. The principle behind this rule might be "value your safety and the safety of others".

Next, partner groups got together in small groups and created a common list of these basic principles that could be helpful for us to use to make our class a great experience. Small groups then came together as a class and we used these lists to discuss what basic principles our class would follow.

After generating this list, we discussed what elements of our class we should adapt to fit these principles. Then, I handed out rectangles of fabric that we will use as contribution flags. With the basic principles of our class in mind, everyone drew two pictures on their flag representing the following:

Picture 1 - what you bring to the class as a person (what contributions you will make)
Picture 2 - what you need from the group for this to be a good learning experience for you

We will share out what people drew for pictures tomorrow.


Everyone returned their copy of The Giver today. If you did not have your copy with you, please bring it in for tomorrow.

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