Wednesday, April 1, 2015

04.01 - Interview Approaches

We started today's class with episode two of Quote Cab (see below).

Following this, we began looking at how to conduct good interviews by using strong approaches. Everyone began by interviewing a partner and then reflecting on what that experience showed them was important in an interview and what was challenging. Next, I handed out a reading, The Art of the Interview, produced by Jessica Abel and Ira Glass which offers tips on conducting effective interviews. Everyone used their reading sheet (which was also what we used for the introductory practice interviews) to keep track of suggestions for an effective interview and for differences between this interview format (for radio stories) and the interviews we will be doing (for research). Everyone should finish this reading and finish responding to reading questions 3 and 4 for homework.

Submitted Today:
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"The Art of the Interview" (reading)

Processing Questions: The Art of the Interview


Finish reading 
"The Art of the Interview" and respond to questions 3 and 4 with the processing questions: The Art of the Interview.

Find sources for the "who" section of the future exploration research project and create notecards from these sources.

Activities Speaker Presentation Notes (may need to review interview on 03.24) - due Friday 4/3
Reading questions for "Notes from the Underground" (may need to review "Notes from the Underground") - Due Friday 4/3

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