Wednesday, April 29, 2015

04.29 - Introductions (Critique > Drafting)

We began today's class by looking at a future exploration introduction on baristas. Everyone had an opportunity to read, critique, and score the introduction (see handouts below) and then we shared out people's assessments of the introduction through the four corners activity (see slides 22 and 23 of the four corners slideshow below).

 Internal Anatomy of an Introduction / Four Corners

Next, we looked at a revised version of this introduction to evaluate how changes the author made impacted the effect and score of the introduction. After looking at both introductions, we compared them structurally and noted how differences in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure influenced a reader's understanding of the paragraph despite each introduction having the same overall structure.

Initial Introduction:

(Click Image to Enlarge)

Revised Introduction:

(Click Image to Enlarge)

For homework, everyone should draft an introduction by hand for their future exploration project.

Everyone can use the thesis creation model below to come up with a powerful thesis.

(Click Image to Enlarge)

Barista Introductions

Submitted Today:
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Produce a handwritten introduction for your future exploration paper and bring it to class tomorrow (we will be critiquing and revising them).


Due Friday, 5/08Future Exploration project (sources, notecards, interview questions, interview notes, paper)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

04.28 - Introductions (Analysis and Critique)

In today's class we were focused on analyzing and critiquing introductions as a means of helping people to think critically about writing introductions and to prepare them to write their own introduction for the future exploration paper. We discussed the characteristics of an effective introduction and then did a four corners discussion activity to analyze and critique various introductions.

Check out the progression of activities in today's class here: Internal Anatomy of an Introduction

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Sample introductions

Submitted Today:
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Due Friday, 5/08
Future Exploration project (sources, notecards, interview questions, interview notes, paper)

Monday, April 27, 2015

04.27 - Future Exploration Revisions

We started today's class with a check in and recap of break using activity cards. Next, I reviewed overall class performance on the future exploration project (see slide presentation below). We then reviewed how to use the revision log sheet so that we can have clear communication and tracking of the revisions that people make on their project. I then handed out updated grade report sheets.

Following this, I reviewed how to use the sources spreadsheet to create a works cited page at the end of everyone's research papers (copy bibliographic citations and put them at the end of your paper in alphabetical order).

Everyone then had time to log on to Google Drive to check the comments on their paper and look at revisions. During this time, I checked in with people about specific needs related to their papers.

Updated grade report sheets
Future Exploration Revisions log

Submitted Today:
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Due Friday, 5/08
Future Exploration project (sources, notecards, interview questions, interview notes, paper)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

04.16 - Future Exploration Sections 06 and 07

Everyone had the class today to work on their future exploration research project. Upcoming deadlines and current project requirements to help focus this work were as follows:
  • 7+ Sources
  • 30+ Notecards
  • Interview questions (5 w/ 5 follow-up questions)
  • Interview scheduled/already conducted
  • Fifth and sixth paper section finished for the end of class/done as homework

Helpful Documents:

Citing Websites (bibilography and parenthetical)

Throughout the period, I checked in with individuals to get a sense of where they were in their research and to answer any questions people had.

Submitted Today:
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Complete the fifth section of your paper and begin the sixth (our goal is to complete all seven sections for Friday. Finishing on Thursday allows some proofreading time on Friday or is a safety completing since we do not meet on Friday).

Conduct your interview and use notes from your interview to create notecards for your paper.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

04.14 - Future Exploration Paper Writing: Section 05/06

Everyone had the class today to work on their future exploration research project. Upcoming deadlines and current project requirements to help focus this work were as follows:
  • 7+ Sources
  • 30+ Notecards
  • Interview questions (5 w/ 5 follow-up questions)
  • Interview scheduled/already conducted
  • Third paper section finished for the end of class/done as homework

Helpful Documents:

Citing Websites (bibilography and parenthetical)

Throughout the period, I checked in with individuals to get a sense of where they were in their research and to answer any questions people had.

Submitted Today:
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Complete the third section of your paper and begin the fourth (our goal is to complete all seven sections for Friday).

Conduct your interview and use notes from your interview to create notecards for your paper.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

04.14 - Future Exploration Paper Writing: Section 04

Everyone had the class today to work on their future exploration research project. Upcoming deadlines and current project requirements to help focus this work were as follows:
  • 7+ Sources
  • 30+ Notecards
  • Interview questions (5 w/ 5 follow-up questions)
  • Interview scheduled/already conducted
  • Third paper section finished for the end of class/done as homework

Helpful Documents:

Citing Websites (bibilography and parenthetical)

Throughout the period, I checked in with individuals to get a sense of where they were in their research and to answer any questions people had.

Submitted Today:
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Complete the third section of your paper and begin the fourth (our goal is to complete all seven sections for Friday).

Conduct your interview and use notes from your interview to create notecards for your paper.

Monday, April 13, 2015

04.13 - Future Exploration Research Paper: Section 03

Everyone had the class today to work on their future exploration research project. Upcoming deadlines and current project requirements to help focus this work were as follows:
  • 7+ Sources
  • 30+ Notecards
  • Interview questions (5 w/ 5 follow-up questions)
  • Interview scheduled/already conducted
  • Third paper section finished for the end of class/done as homework

Helpful Documents:

Citing Websites (bibilography and parenthetical)

Throughout the period, I checked in with individuals to get a sense of where they were in their research and to answer any questions people had.

Submitted Today:
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Complete the third section of your paper and begin the fourth (our goal is to complete all seven sections for Friday).

Conduct your interview and use notes from your interview to create notecards for your paper.

Friday, April 10, 2015

04.10 - Future Exploration Presentation: Film Acting and Production

Today, we had a speaker, Thomas Hildreth, come in to talk about his work as an actor and producer in film. During the talk, people kept notes using the sheet provided in class (see below) and asked questions.

Activities Speaker Presentation Notes

Submitted Today:
Activities Speaker Presentation Notes
Revisions due:
     Interview Observation Notes
     Activities Speaker Presentation Notes (Ryan Decker, presenter)
     Interview Observation Notes


Find sources for your future exploration research project and create notecards from these sources (looking to have 7 sources or more and 30 notecards or more for Monday)

If you did not do so in class, complete the speaker presentation notes for today's talk on film acting and producing.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

04.09 - Future Exploration Research

I was not in class today, so today's work was facilitated by a substitute. Everyone had the class today to work on their future exploration research project. Upcoming deadlines and current project requirements to help focus this work were as follows:

7+ Sources
20+ Notecards
Interview questions done by the end of class (5 w/ 5 follow-up questions)
Interview scheduled
First paper section finished for the end of class.
Second paper section finished for the end of class on Friday.

Helpful Documents:

Citing Websites (bibilography and parenthetical)

Throughout the period, I checked in with individuals to get a sense of where they were in their research and to answer any questions people had.


Write a second section (second of the seven) for your research paper (due Friday at the end of class)
At this point everyone should have all of the sources (at least 7 + the interview) they need for this project and at least 20 notecards (more are fine). If you do not have 7 sources and 20 notecards, continue finding sources and creating notecards.

Revisions due this Friday 04/06:
Interview Observation Notes
Activities Speaker Presentation Notes (Ryan Decker, presenter)
Interview Observation Notes

 revision options for a 4/exceeds, listed below:

Click Image to Enlarge

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

04.08 - Future Exploration Research

Everyone had the class today to work on their future exploration research project. Upcoming deadlines and current project requirements to help focus this work were as follows:

7+ Sources
20+ Notecards
Interview questions done by the end of class (5 w/ 5 follow-up questions)
Interview scheduled
First paper section finished for the end of class.
Second paper section finished for the end of class on Friday.

Helpful Documents:

Citing Websites (bibilography and parenthetical)

Throughout the period, I checked in with individuals to get a sense of where they were in their research and to answer any questions people had.


Write a second section (second of the seven) for your research paper (due Friday at the end of class)
At this point everyone should have all of the sources (at least 7 + the interview) they need for this project and at least 20 notecards (more are fine). If you do not have 7 sources and 20 notecards, continue finding sources and creating notecards.

Revisions due this Friday 04/06:
Interview Observation Notes
Activities Speaker Presentation Notes (Ryan Decker, presenter)
Interview Observation Notes

 revision options for a 4/exceeds, listed below:

Click Image to Enlarge

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

04.07 - Model Section (Research Paper)

At the beginning of class today, I handed out a model section of the future exploration research paper for everyone to read. In reading this section of the paper, everyone completed two tasks:

1 - Underline the main idea/claim for each paragraph with a squiggly underline.
2 - Underline the author's use of evidence from outside sources with a regular underline.

Once everyone had time to read through the paper and perform these two actions, we checked in as a class to identify and discuss the claims and use of evidence. A few important things we noticed were:

Claims occur within the first few sentences of the paragraph.

Evidence is always followed by a parenthetical citation at the end of the sentence.
      ex. (Goodwin).

Evidence is incorporated throughout the section and paragraphs.

In class, we discussed this last point relating to the integrating of information. Writing an effective paper requires that information be successfully integrated throughout the paper (see slides below).

Kobe beef with its marbleization of fat

Degrees of marbleization in beef

Evidence marbleizaed in a research paper.

Next, I handed out copies of the rubric with which papers will be assessed. Groups looked at specific standards and then shared out a summary of that standard with the class.

Everyone then had the rest of the period to work on their research (sources/notecards) and to start writing a section of their paper. Everyone should have a research section ready for the end of class on Wednesday.

Throughout the rest of class, I met individually with people to check in on work and the research process.

Research Paper Example: Barista
Research Paper Rubric
Submitted Today:
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Write five (or more) interview questions with a follow-up question for each (due Wednesday)

Write a section (one of the seven) for your research paper (due Wednesday at the end of class)
At this point everyone should have all of the sources (at least 7 + the interview) they need for this project and at least 20 notecards (more are fine). If you do not have 7 sources and 20 notecards, continue finding sources and creating notecards.

Revisions due this Friday 04/06:
Interview Observation Notes
Activities Speaker Presentation Notes (Ryan Decker, presenter)
Interview Observation Notes

 revision options for a 4/exceeds, listed below:

Click Image to Enlarge

Monday, April 6, 2015

04.06 - Interview Questions, Grade Reports & Revisions

At the beginning of class today, I returned work that was submitted last week along with students' grade report sheets. We reviewed general performance trends for these assignments which were over how to conduct effective interviews. We also looked at how to revise these assignments.

Everyone then had the rest of the period to work on revisions and on writing interview questions for their interview candidates (see requirements below). The work we did last week with "The Art of Interviewing" and effective interviews should help guide people in their approach to creating interview questions and follow-up questions.

Interview Question Requirements:
Write 5 interview questions (or more)
Write a follow-up/probing question for each interview question

The most helpful questions will be those that take into account your interview subject's knowledge or experiences. 

The interview can also be a helpful opportunity to fill in gaps in your research (if a certain type of information has been hard to find, ask your interviewee about it).

While everyone worked on their interview questions and revisions, I met individually with people who were having a difficult time finding interview candidates and also addressed any questions related to assignments and grade report sheets.

Quarter 4 grade sheets
Work submitted last week

Submitted Today:
Interview Candidate Short List
(on this sheet, ethos refers to the experiences and knowledge that make this speaker a credible candidate for this topic)


Write five (or more) interview questions with a follow-up question for each.

At this point everyone should have all of the sources (at least 7 + the interview) they need for this project and at least 20 notecards (more are fine). If you do not have 7 sources and 20 notecards, continue finding sources and creating notecards.

Revisions due this Friday 04/06:
Interview Observation Notes
Activities Speaker Presentation Notes (Ryan Decker, presenter)
Interview Observation Notes

 revision options for a 4/exceeds, listed below:

Click Image to Enlarge