Wednesday, February 4, 2015

02.0 4- Theme and Message in The Road

In today's class we looked at motifs The Road. People shared out the information below to the following prompt:

What role(s) did your motif(s) play in developing the story?

Pistol - Power role: security and protection (safety). It gave them a way to end their lives or to kill other people (which would keep them safe). Can also scare people away from them.

Represents survival and death - can kill attackers, aslo a means of suicide if things are really grim.

Cart - Holds all of their things, allows them to carry their food/supplies. Also a source of comfort/home (holds toys, blankets).

Carries the things they need for survival (blankets/food/tarp), limits where they can go (can’t wheel it through), also have to hide it.
helps and hinders

Coast/South/Sun- South is a symbol of destination and hope, a safe haven. Coast, similar to the south, kind of an alternate route/journey. The sun is different - symbol of giving up (gone and been gone). They’ve accepted the fact that the sun is not there for them (has to do with how much they have given up).

Coughing - Foreshadows the man’s death, shows that the man is sick, looks at how his son relies on him.

Darkness/Ash - Darkness and ash block out the sun (which represents goodness/god) Darkness is the darkness of our souls/nature. The sun is god, and god is gone (hence the darkness). The darkness is a measure of hoplesness (it grows and shrinks).
Ash represents the society that has burnt out/civilization gone.

Death - Represents safety, fear, a last resort. Death can be better than life, an escape, but also brutal.

Fire/Dreams -
Fire (literal) - keeps them alive, they know they can survive and keep going when they have it. Represents civilization (the boy is carrying the fire (see fig. example).
Fire (figurative) - perseverance and good morals in a bad world. The boy realizes that this is his legacy.
Dreams - giving up, a reminder of the world as it had been/how life used to be. Dreams can haunt you.

Food - For survival, kept them alive, also gave them hope whenever they found it. It was always a goal to find the next food source (they had to keep going).

Symbolizes hope - hope fades when they run out of food/drink. Food/drink give them hope for the future. Metaphorically and literally enable them to move forward.

Shoes - They help with survival (keep feet warm, keep feet protected).

Next we looked at theme and message in The Road. People shared out the responses that they had drafted for homework. We took time to discuss these and then looked at how to draft powerful thesis statements to guide this essay.

For support within the essay, people should analyze motifs that help contribute to that overall theme and message. Everyone then had the remaining time in the period to create their own thesis and identify the two to three basic arguments that they would like to make.


(pages 1 and 2 used in today's class)


Create a powerful thesis statement for your essay and identify the two to three arguments you will use to prove this thesis (step one of the claims creation process).

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