Friday, August 29, 2014

8/29 - A Separate Peace and Mythology Quiz

Today in class everyone took the quiz on A Separate Peace and Edith Hamilton's Mythology. The quiz took the entire class. If you were not in class today to take the quiz, come in and see me (Mr. Collins) as soon as you can.

At the end of class, I handed out a sheet of questions titled "Getting to Know the Class Site." Everyone should use the questions on this sheet to guide their exploration of the class site this weekend.

This page for the class site is just getting up and running. The posts that are here from this week are set up just as they will be for the rest of the year.

It may help to look at another class site (all my class sites are set up the same way, just with specific information to each class on them) to really notice some of the larger trends and wider possibilities that go on with the posts. Looking at older posts from my previous class will also help you learn about how this site works so feel free to travel back in time. The best site to reference would be the period 1 class' site which also contains posts from an English 10 class last year.

For reference: Period 1 English 10 Honors (w/ posts from English 10 last year).

Getting to Know the Class Site

Have a writer's journal for English class on Tuesday.
Complete the "Getting to Know the Class Site" sheet (we'll go over this on Tuesday).

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